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September 6, 2024

William T. Howe Ph.D.

Rēad to Read …Again

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 23-24


Ezekiel 23:2

Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother:


Dear Reader:


October 2nd is coming. On that day we will begin reading the New Testament together. Until then, for a little over three weeks from now, we will continue to read the prophets. While it seems that every day the doom and gloom over the state of Israel in the days of the prophets is redundant, these are important books in that they highlight the contrast between the Old and New Testament teachings of love, grace, mercy and positivity. In a way, this pictures the new birth of a child of God. Prior to trusting Christ as our sacrifice to God for the redemption of our sins we live in a dark world. A world of sin, guilt, conviction and fear. But upon receiving the Gospel of Christ a new light shines upon us. The outlook becomes bright. The future is promising. Our earthly existence is blessed, and an eternal home in heaven awaits.


So, read these awful pronouncements against the nations of the world from the pens of the prophets knowing that a better day will soon be upon us. We will learn of Christ, His churches, His teachings, and the history of the faith once delivered to us. But we must first understand all that Christ brings. Stay with the readings, glean that which you can, and suffer the untoward stories of the prophets, knowing that these we have escaped through our precious Lord and Savior’s Gospel.


On to Ezekiel 23. God gives the prophet the parable of two sisters, Aholah (which is Samaria) and Aholibah (which is Jerusalem) (verse 4) both of one mother (which is Israel). These two sisters committed horrible sins against the Lord God. These sins are described in detail therefore there is no need to review them here, you will read, or have read about them today.


This entire chapter is a reminder of God’s indictment against His people. He concludes this parable by proclaiming the reasons for their judgment.


1.       To cause their sins to cease from the land.

2.      To teach others to not do after their example.

3.      To recompense their wrongdoings.

4.      To show forth the sins of their idols by having to bear the consequences of such.

5.      All in order that they shall know that He is the Lord God.


These are basically the same results of God’s chastisement of His children in the New Testament times. Which is altogether another story for another day.


October 2nd, here we come!


Dr. William T. Howe

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