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September 17, 2024

William T. Howe Ph.D.

Rēad to Read …Again

Daily Reading: Daniel 7-9


Daniel 8:16

And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.


Gabriel was instructed by the voice of the man to make Daniel understand the vision given him. The man was probably the Lord, here’s why.


Later, in Luke 1:19 Gabriel was sent to Zacharias wherein he said …I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God: and am sent to speak unto thee,… (Luke 1:19). From this it is clearly known that Gabriel was sent by God. This makes perfect sense in that on his own testimony he said that he stood in the presence of God, that was his routine place. Appearing before these humans with specific messages to them was an errand that God gave him leave to perform.


This great angel is only mentioned four times in our Bible, once here, once in Daniel 9:21, then in Luke 1:19 to Zacharias, and Luke 1:26 to Mary. In each instance, this angelic being had specific messages from God to share. He was God’s messenger to them.


In a sense, pastors are somewhat like Gabriel. Not in his supernatural powers but in these four ways.


One, pastors are sent by God. There is something about the personal and overwhelmingly mysterious call of God to specific men to be the pastors of His local churches. It is one of those things of life that can be explained but never understood except by those who have experienced it. 


Two, pastors stand before God before they stand before the people to whom they preach. It has been said, “To be much for God, one must be much with God.”  This is true. Unfortunately, in the production minded society in which we live, time with God, unusual, disproportionate, and private time with God and His Word is seen as an afterthought. “What is the pastor doing today?”  “He is spending the day in prayer, study, and time with God.”  “Doesn’t he know that the building needs to be decorated, some walls need to be painted, and people need to meet with him?”  There was once a little cartoon of a pastor standing on a ledge of a tall building about to jump off. His secretary is in the window saying to him, “You don’t have time for your personal problems, you have three appointments and a business meeting to get to.”  Yes, a thousand times yes, pastors need time alone before God.


Three, like Gabriel, pastors sometimes have stern warnings and direct messages to those to whom they minister that will not listen and believe God’s message. (Luke 1:19-20)


Four, pastors have specific messages from God to preach. Just as Paul taught Timothy: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. II Timothy 4:2


Make no mistake, in no way are the pastors celestial beings. They are human flesh and blood. But in these four instances they provide to God’s people the same that Gabriel provided. Which is basically the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word to those to whom they are sent.


Dr. William T. Howe

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