The Bible Edge
Practical Points to Ponder from Proverbs
Proverbs 21:31
The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.
There is an old saying that goes like this, “Pray as if it is all up to God, work as if it is all up to you.” This is the balance of the Christian life. Today’s verse tells the story of this life philosophy in one simple sentence.
It is the responsibility of humans to prepare for the day of battle. Weapons, strategies, tactics, training, and all the rest work together to prepare an army of soldiers in case it is needed. Yet, all the time praying it is not. Prepare, and prepare well. Train the horse for the battle. Get geared up to fight the fight. But know this. Safety is of the LORD.
I wish I could remember the book, but I read one time that after a battle of the Revolutionary war, George Washington’s coat had several bullet holes through it. Yet, he sustained no wounds. Perhaps the Lord gave him safety. After all, throughout the Bible God safety protected many of His people.
Consider the modern-day automobile. It has more safety features than could even be imagined years ago. Seat belts, air bags, cameras, automatic braking, collision warnings projected on the windshield, anti-skid brakes, and many more. Yet, how many times has the Lord divinely protected from an accident? Countless no doubt. Wouldn’t it be nice when in Heaven that He may show us all the times that He protected us from horrible situations of all kinds. Hopefully, He will.
Prepare the best you can to be safe, but then pray that God will give you safety. Pray as though it is all up to Him, work as if it is all up to you.
William T. Howe, Ph.D.