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William T. Howe Ph.D.

May 18, 2024

Rēad to Read …Again

Daily Reading: II Chronicles 28-31


II Chronicles 30:10

So the posts passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh even unto Zebulun: but they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.


Hezekiah, one of the greatest kings of Judah, had a heart for God. So much so that he repaired the temple, organized a Levitical singing choir, put together an orchestral group, and carried out the greatest Passover celebration since the days of Solomon. Upon deciding to hold the Passover, this good king sent posts (messengers) to Israel (named in today’s verse as Ephraim and all the way to its most northerly population centers) inviting them to this momentous occasion.


But they laughed them to scorn; they mocked them. Their message had four simple points: turn to God, be not like your fathers, don’t be stiff-necked, and serve God. In response to this message many in Israel, the Northern kingdom, scorned and mocked the messengers of the king. Within three years Israel would end as a nation and be carried away captive by the Assyrians. God always gives ample warning and an opportunity to repent before His judgment falls. Some, however, did accept the king’s invitation and from the 14th to the 21st of the second month the great Passover celebration was held.


But this thing of mocking and scorning messengers continued on. In Nehemiah’s day Sanballat and Tobiah mocked him. Job said …the just upright man is laughed to scorn. (Job 12:4). Even Jesus was scorned, And they laughed him to scorn... (Mark 5:40). Also, when they crushed that crown of thorns on Jesus’ head they mocked Him (Matthew 27:29). After his great sermon on Mars Hill, Paul was mocked (Acts 17:32). Yes, throughout the Bible God’s messengers have been scorned, mocked, persecuted, ignored, rejected, and even martyred.


Ask any pastor, preacher, or Bible teacher. All they do, or are supposed to do, is deliver God’s message to those to whom they speak. To do this they try to use love, grace, sometimes humor, tack, and diplomacy, but try as they might, the message is the message, and it comes through loud and clear. Dress it up, camouflage it, soft peddle it, make it relevant, timely and logical. Use illustrations, word pictures, stories real and make believe. But with all this. The message will prevail. It’s somewhat like throwing a newspaper on the front porch. The message is there, but will anyone read it? Often those that do read, or hear the message of God scorn and mock the messenger. If a person speaks faithfully for God they will endure persecution, rejection, being mocked, scorned, and labeled as a fool. After all …the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness… (I Corinthians 1:18)


People always mock and scorn that which they hold as foolish. Israel did in Hezekiah’s day, and so too even today the King’s messengers are scorned and mocked.


Dr. William T. Howe

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