Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: Proverbs 10-12
Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
Today’s verse can be looked at from two different perspectives.
One is the eternal view, one the temporal.
The eternal view brings one into the ministry of reconciliation. This is commonly called “soul winning.” II Corinthians 5:18 states: And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;. Every child of God, born again by the Spirit of God, has a responsibility to evangelize the lost. This is the ministry of reconciliation. Christians are righteous through the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. Therefore, they are like a tree of life. Eternal life. All four Gospel accounts and the book of Acts give believers their commission to evangelize the lost which is to be carried out in and through a local church’s efforts in preaching, teaching, worldwide missions and personal and church wide outreach efforts.
The temporal view brings every person face to face with God’s desire and part of His will for them. They are to be like trees that give life. Horticulturalists tell us that a forested area is good for the health of humans because of various environmental reasons. The fruit bearing trees bring forth healthy items that are not only tasty but also a good and beneficial part of a healthy diet. After all, “An apple a day keeps the doctors away,” right? Humans are to be life giving individuals, they are good for the community, profitable to their societies, and useful to others. These win people to themselves. They win souls. Not eternally, but temporally. The idea that “I am an island and what I do does not affect others,” or “I don’t care what people think of me,” or “If someone doesn’t like me that is their problem” and other similar philosophies that seem so popular today are not in keeping with God’s desire. His desire is that we win others to us. This is not done by being fake or phony, but by being oneself, open, sincere, especially letting others know that they care for them through good actions.
Now, this is where these two different views collide. Winning souls to Christ necessitates first the winning of them to oneself. On the job, in the family, in the community at large, having the respect and admiration of others may at least give one an opportunity to simply, lovingly, and faithfully share the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the risk of using another old adage, remember; more bees can be gathered by honey than by vinegar. Some Christians are so contrary that if their bodies were thrown into the river, they would float upstream. This hurts their ministry of reconciliation efforts.
Whether today’s verse is viewed temporally or eternally, one overall reality is true. Winning souls to oneself, and to the Lord, is a good and God honoring quality of the wise.
Dr. William T. Howe