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William T. Howe Ph.D.

January 2, 2025

Minding Your Thoughts

A Biblical Overview of Obtaining and Maintaining a Biblical Thought Life


January 2

Genesis 26:35 Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.

Within the wonderful and productive aspects of one’s mind there are also pitfalls. Thoughts solicit emotions, emotions influence feelings, and feelings prompt actions. One such pitfall is grief. One of Isaac and Rebekah’s sons, Esau, made a major life decision that brought grief of mind to his parents. King Solomon knew something of grief for he wrote: For in much wisdom is much grief… (Ecclesiastes 1:18). Grief of mind is brought about by various things. Sometimes others bring us grief, sometimes we bring grief on ourselves, and sometimes our warped imagination brings us grief. Grief of mind cannot be eliminated totally, for example, the grief of mind caused by the loss of a loved one cannot be escaped. However, much that causes grief can be averted.

Consider these actions when you encounter grief of mind. 

One: Determine if the cause of the grief is real. Is the source of your grief of mind real or imagined? It could be argued that Isaac and Rebekah only imagined the harm to their family because of Esau’s marriage, that their restrictions on who to marry were unrealistic. Other than Jewish bloodline issues (which in those days were vitally important) there is no evidence in Scripture that this marriage caused any real harm to Esau’s parents. In fact, Esau would go on to have three wives, one of the proper bloodline.

Two: Pray about the issue causing the grief.  1 Peter 5:7 advises: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Whatever the issue, God, through Christ and the Holy Spirit, can help you through.  Remember, Jesus was touched with our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15); He understands. 

Three: Determine to keep your grief in perspective to the scope of the issue. Don’t overreact.

Four: Give thanks to God for everything (I Thessalonians. 5:18). 

Five: Know that sometimes you will have to simply endure grief, even when you have done nothing to warrant that grief (I Peter 2:19).

Consider this practical point to ponder: while the word “grief” is used twenty-six times in our Bible, this is the only usage of the word in direct connection with the mind, for grief is not only in the mind, but also in the flesh and emotions. Therefore, without diminishing the suffering of grief, it can be said that of all God wants us to know about Minding Your Thoughts, He only mentions grief once. Be careful then to not major on a minor. In all that goes on in the mind, grief should be a small overall percentage. Yes, from time to time, we may be overcome with grief, but safeguard your mind against it.  Remember and use the five steps above, or some other means, so that grief does not become an overriding obsession.

May the Lord Bless and be pleased with your thought life today. 

Dr. William T. Howe

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