The Bible Edge
Random Thoughts of a Spiritual Nature II
Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
I confess, I care about that which others think of me. To some this is a problematic statement, to some it is a ridiculous way to live, to some it is even sinful in their way of thinking. But to me, it is vital. For to win souls one must consider that which others think of them. The first step in winning a soul is to have influence with that soul. Influence is either obtained or lost based on what others think of you.
Look at it this way. The way a person dresses speaks, their personal grooming habits, the way they treat others, everything about them either draws others to them or drives others from them. To win souls to Christ they must first be won to you. Meaning they agree to listen to you, respect you to a degree, have a desire to hear what you say, and are drawn to you. Caring what they think about you is a step toward winning souls.
Here are some tips to cast a wider net to perhaps win others to you so that you may win them to Christ.
Treat others with respect.
Be polite.
Dress appropriately for the occasion.
Be consistent.
Maintain a good testimony.
Be approachable.
Be kind.
Understand that you are always being observed.
Deal with difficulties of life, the job, and relationships properly.
Be humble.
Above all, be a good Christian, love the Lord, and never compromise your Biblical beliefs. In this you may lose influence of others, but it will not be because of some insignificant thing; it will instead be because you put God and His Word above all else. This cannot be helped. But many other things that cause needless offenses can be overcome by simply developing the habit of caring about what others think of you. Up and to the point of standing for Biblical teachings. In this be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove (Matthew 10:16).
William T. Howe, Ph.D.