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William T. Howe Ph.D.

December 28, 2024

Rēad to Read …Again

Daily Reading: Revelation 9-12


Revelation 10:11

And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.


At the time of the writing of this book, John could have been close to ninety years old.  Yet his work was not yet finished.  No doubt, this disciple was blessed as being part of our Lord’s inner circle of three (with Peter and James). No doubt he faithfully propagated and defended the faith as once delivered to the saints. No doubt he was closer to our Lord than any other, the only disciple named as being in the crowd as Jesus hung on the cross, and the only one Jesus trusted with the continual care of His mother Mary.  And no doubt John faced the harshness of the times as persecution of believers was a daily event. There is a historical belief that John was even boiled in a pot of hot oil because he would not cease to preach and teach Jesus Christ and His doctrines. 


However, as severe the persecutions he received may have been, he continued. So much so that he was banished to a prison island. Of his own words he wrote, I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. (1:9) Yes, John suffered many things for the cause of Christ.  But his work was not finished.


It seems, as seeing things afar off, that John was banished to a remote place to hinder, if not stop completely, his influence upon others. What better way at that time to drive this evangelist to a place wherein he would have no audience, no pulpit, no ability to spread his message. Why banishment?  Perhaps they tried to end his life but were hindered by the Lord God whom John served.  Who knows? But we do know this, he was on an island, away from the large population centers, and probably forgotten.  His enemies probably thought that was the end of John and his influence.


But God… Yes, God stepped in. John’s life was preserved, and his person was put in the perfect place to have such a divine revelation as was given him. On that remote prison island, the Lord gave to this beloved man the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Somehow, John wrote all that he saw.  Somehow, he made at least seven copies of the Revelation. Somehow, he was able to get the letters to the seven churches.  Somehow, he prophesied again to many people and even kings. God majors in the “somehow” of life.


The leaders of the natural world thought they had John excommunicated to the point of death to his message, but God, the leader of the universe, knew that John was right where He needed him to be.  He was used of the Lord and would be used again.  Like the proverbial candle that realized it was not fulfilling its life’s function unless it was being consumed of its own fire, John must have realized that his life’s work was far from finished.  He had a more consuming message to deliver, which he did. Even today we read his work.  His prophecy, or rather the prophecy given him by God, has amazed, astounded, confused, and perplexed audiences for over two thousand years.  True to God’s Word to John, he has testified to many people and kings.  The effort to eliminate this beloved disciple was a failure because John’s book of the Revelation has perhaps launched debates, fostered conversations, and fomented opinions unlike any other. 


Proving once again that which the old song “Stand by Me” states. “In the midst of tribulation, stand by me; in the midst of tribulation, stand by me. When the hosts of hell assail, and my strength begins to fail, thou who never lost a battle, stand by me.”


Dr. William T. Howe

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