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William T. Howe Ph.D.

December 15, 2024

Rēad to Read …Again

Daily Reading: I Timothy 1-6


I Timothy 1:17

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.


A golden nugget of rare value among many nuggets of truth. This is the first of four personal letters from the apostle Paul. Herein Timothy is given many practical thoughts that would act as curbs to keep him moving forward in the right lane. But one thought seems to be the glue that seems to secure all the other teachings together. Why treat other Christian leaders properly, why treat all ladies properly, why lead God’s people rightly, why deal with civil leaders appropriately, why, why, why, why? Because of this one thought, which has four parts.


Our King is eternal, immortal, invisible and the only wise God. Pass not by this too quickly.


He is eternal. Always present, always the same, always Holy, always true, now and forever. Society may change, our King never does. Times may change, not our King for He is always as He always has been. Technology may have wonderful advancements, and it has, but our King still reigns supreme. Others may be popular influencers, but He is the eternal King. His Word is always the final word. His ways are always right. As such He is to be the supreme leader in all things both public and private.


He is immortal. Meaning, in part, that He is not subject to mortal hindrances. He can multiply food supplies, put money in the mouth of a fish, walk on water, heal the lame, give sight to the blind, know all things, monitor every conversation, raise the dead to life, and die then live again. He is immortal. What does any one of His citizens need that is impossible? Just ask Him in faith! He majors in the impossible, in the immortal.


He is invisible. None can see Him but there He is. The unseen partner in every business deal. The third person in every conversation. The witness to all actions. The monitor of every behavior. The unobserved visitor in the hospital room, the overseer of every church service, the silent partner with every soulwinner. Just because He is unseen does not mean He is not present. He is. He is everywhere at once and at once everywhere.


He is the only wise God. Those who set themselves up as a god are not God, and they are not wise. He is the only wise God. He is King, He is Lord, He is God. As such He rules. Rejected yes. Ignored certainly. Snubbed, disregarded, overlooked and unheeded, yes a billion times yes. But still there He is. The only wise God. One day, perhaps soon, He will put down all rebellion and reward all faithful acts. Just because He hasn’t yet doesn’t mean He can’t. In time we will cast our crowns before His throne, giving back to Him that which He gave to us.


As such, all honor and glory belong to Him. In this personal loving letter from a man of God to his son in the faith, Paul reminds Timothy to keep these attributes of God in mind in every situation, relationship, decision, and manner of life. We would do well to do the same. Those who do will find this nugget to be the pearl of great price; they will pay any price to own it, live in light of it, and keep it close.


Dr. William T. Howe

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