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December 13, 2023

William T. Howe Ph.D.

The Bible Edge


Random Thoughts of a Spiritual Nature II


Psalm 38:18

For I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin.


Are you suffering in sorrow over some transgression from the past? If yes, you are in good company. The man who wrote this was a king, not just any king, he was King David. This man, David, was well acquainted with regret over past sin. From the time he took Bathsheba and had her husband put in the hottest part of the battle to cause his certain death, he had firsthand knowledge of the emotion of regret. By the way, since the Word of God states clearly that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) we are all in the same boat. Your sin might not be David’s sin, but you have sinned, will sin, and therefore, there is a very real chance that you too have firsthand experience with regret.


Regret is common to all, for all have sinned. But there is hope!


We may experience regret, but Jesus Christ has given us the remedy. It is called grace. He gives grace and He desires those who have received grace to also extend grace. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me,” what great words of a great song. But these are more than mere words of a song, they are a way of life because if Christ can forgive us all our sins, which are many, we can also forgive others the sins they commit against us. That’s called grace.


Yes, regret will come, but when it does let the grace of God perform that great work of forgiveness and restoration. Then let us ever remember, as we have received grace let us extend grace. After all, consider the very last verse of the Bible: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. The only ointment in all the world to heal regret is grace.


But know this, lack of regret is not lack of memory. For David also wrote in Psalm 51:3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Regret may enter it prompting confession and forgiveness, but the memory, as long as we are in this mortal body will be there. When old memories of past sins haunt our minds and our souls the only remedy is to remember, those sins have been thrown as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12), buried in the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19), and put into a bag and sewn up (Job 14:17). Yes, the memory will be there, but the regret can be put aside through the grace of forgiveness.


Being sorry for one’s sin is the first step of the spiritual healing process offered by our loving Father in Heaven.


William T. Howe, Ph.D.

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