Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: Lamentations 3-5
Lamentations 5:15
The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned into mourning.
…The wages of sin is death… (Romans 6:23) nowhere is this better illustrated than Israel’s absolute destruction and deportation into Babylon. The nation died. The priests died. The prophets died. The people died. Not all of them, but many. More perhaps than the death of their persons, their dreams died, families died in that they were split up and carried away, purity died in that they were ravished, and their hunger resulted in unmentionable atrocities.
Sin always destroys. Yes, there is a season for sin that seems pleasurable, but all too soon that season gives itself over to another season. One where joy is ceased, and dance is turned into morning. It happened to Judah and Jerusalem, it happened to the prodigal son of Luke 15, it happened to Haman of the story of Esther, it has happened over and over again. Wherever sin reigns supreme, it will soon come to weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Jeremiah saw it. He preached about it, warned about it, and lived to see it. God preserved their story in His Holy Word as a warning to all who read it.
There is nothing good to write, nor more that needs to be said about sin or its consequences. So, this writing is ended.
On to Ezekiel who served as God’s watchman over Israel during their captivity. Be ready for some strange symbols and visions for these are used extensively in His prophecy. It’s going to be good!
Dr. William T. Howe