Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 18-22
Jeremiah 20:9
Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.
I never have frustrations
The reason is to wit
If at first, I don’t succeed
I just simply quit.
This could be called “The Quitters Creed.” Jeremiah quit for a moment, but just for a moment. No wonder that he did; the ruling priest of the temple, Pashur, smote him then put him in stocks that were at the “high gate” (a very popular place in the city by the temple). The faithful prophet of God spent the night standing, probably hunched backed, with his head and hands locked in position. He was humbled, humiliated, and hurting. So, he quit. But, just for a moment.
He could not quit the fire of God, God’s Holy Word, that burned in his soul. The Spirit of God was at work no doubt to the point that Jeremiah grew tired of forbearing and could not stay that way any longer. The word “forbear” means “To stop; cease; to hold from proceeding.” (Websters 1828 dictionary) He stopped himself from speaking of the Lord or even mentioning His name. But He couldn’t stop. For there was within him the call of God, the Word of God, the Spirit of God, that would not be retracted. So, he preached some more. More and more, until Judah was well warned of her coming destruction.
Hunting season is always open for those who preach, teach, stand, and obey God’s Word. They hunt for places and opportunities to preach, which is to prophesy, meaning they speak forth God’s Word (today the Bible). But also, those who oppose God’s Word hunt for them and are well encouraged to do so. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul wrote these words to Timothy. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (II Timothy 3:12) This universal truth is as true today as it was in Timothy’s day. It is true for both the preacher and those who believe, meaning they live, that which is preached from the Bible.
From time to time there is the temptation to quit. If you are there, you are in good company. But you won’t. You won’t quit. For the Word of God will burn in your bones, in your soul. The Spirit of God will mend you, heal you, and restore your passion for Him. A person filled with His Holy Spirit may change places, may have to flee for a little while, may need a break, may even have a pity party; but in the end, God will pick them up so that they may stand, dust them off, and put them back into the game. Those who faithfully speak forth God’s truth from the pulpit, or from the pew, will lose friends, even family, will be ignored, rejected, belittled, mocked, hurt, and sometimes physically attacked. But they will regroup, re-up, and restock.
If you are discouraged, despondent, disappointed, displeased, dissatisfied, dispassionate, disillusioned, or just plain disinterested, or just simply tired of being hurt, you have a compadre in Jeremiah, and in this preacher. I sat where you sit. But just for a while, just until I stepped in the pulpit once again and that old fire in the soul to help others by bringing forth some aspect of God’s Holy Word roared back to life.
Once upon a time someone gave me a ball cap with the words, “Tough times never last, but tough people do” embroidered on it. It helped, for it is true. Jeremiah continued, not in his strength but in the supernatural power of God.
So can you!
Dr. William T. Howe