Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 7-9
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
God is setting forth His case against Judah. Judah is commonly called the “southern kingdom;” its capital city was Jerusalem, it is also called the “house of David.” It was composed of two tribes of Israel: Judah and Benjamin. Just as Jeremiah prophesied, Judah was carried away to Babylon in three distinct deportations yet returned to their land in 536 BC, seventy years after the first deportation in 606 BC.
In today’s chapters Jeremiah continues to set forth the charges that the Lord God has against His people which, in a capsule, are five: theft, murder, adultery, lying, and idolatry (7:9). Though given the opportunity to repent from these they did not and ultimately would endure the hardships of captivity. But there would also be a restoration, just as Jeremiah also prophesied.
At the end of chapter 9, beginning with the two verses recorded above, Jeremiah begins a lecture on what should be the true and only object of Judah’s worship and their only future source of help. This subject will continue until Jeremiah 10:16. The prophet begins this section of his message by addressing the wise, the mighty, and the rich. Telling them not to glory in these attributes, but rather glory in God. Or rather that they understand and know Him. Which they did not.
Now is time for my sofa part of the devotion. Usually, I try to give some theological thought to the time and purpose of that which we read together, then move from my desk (these are written from my home office usually very early in the morning) to my sofa in my office. That is where I try to impart some practical point to ponder from the theological lesson. Today’s “sofa part” is to point out perhaps the best and most succinct description of God’s nature in the entire Bible. Jeremiah tells us exactly that which God does for humans and by inference that which we should do unto others.
God is all about lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness. Not only does He possess and exercise these three, He also delights Himself in them. If we desire to delight Him, then we too should exercise these three wonderful traits. In context the focus is on that in which people should glory. Instead of glorying in our wisdom, might and riches, we should glory in our relationship with Him: understanding and knowing Him. Meaning the focus is on Him, always on Him.
These three attributes, lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness are worthy goals on which to work toward. Judah forgot these. Therefore, their overthrow came. May we do better. Love others, judge wisely, and be right today and every day. For in these our Father in Heaven is delighted.
Dr. William T. Howe