Rēad to Read …Again
Daily Reading: I Chronicles 1-2
I Chronicles 2:15
Ozem the sixth, David the seventh:
The books of I and II Chronicles are considered to be “post-Exilic” meaning they were compiled after the Babylon Captivity. The first 9 chapters of I Chronicles record the genealogies which were probably needed for a variety of issues for the returning Jews. In this genealogy David is first mentioned in today’s verse. He is the focus from chapter 11 to the end of the book, Saul is highlighted in only one chapter (10).
Perhaps this would be a good time for a timeline review.
From Creation to the Flood 3975-2319 BC
From the Flood to the Patriarchs 2319-1967 BC
The time of the Patriarchs 1967-1606 BC
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
From the Patriarchs to the Exodus from Egypt 1606–1462 BC
The Exodus/Moses
The Wilderness Wanderings 1462-1422 BC
From Crossing the Jordan to the kings 1422-945 BC
Saul, David, Solomon
The Divided Kingdom 945 – 722 BC
The fall of Israel to the fall of Judah 722 – 586 BC
The Captivity (Three deportations) 586-516 BC
The Restoration (Three Returns) 516-400 BC
The Silent years (inter-testament period) 400-5 BC
These dates are highly debatable as to the exact years. This overview was prepared from many different sources. It is only given as a rough overview.
Dr. William T. Howe