The Bible Edge
Everyone needs an Edge, Believers can have the Bible Edge
Luke 12:29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
Verse 31 explains further: But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. God is amazing. He has given us all things just as II Peter 1:3 proclaims: According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:. He has given us enough understanding and knowledge about how to live our life so that we do not have to be subject to a doubtful mind.
For example, consider the verse for today. God tells us that there are some things that we should not seek after, then two verses later He tells us to seek after the kingdom of God and all those material things of life will be added to us. Doubting if you have enough, doubting about what tomorrow will hold, doubting about doing this or that in order to get ahead, doubting about things you can’t control about this life, this is not good. Spending your life energy and mind doubting these things will bring much agony, sorrow and confusion. But if you simply trust Him and seek His kingdom, then it is His responsibility to add all the things of life to you. That is His responsibility; yours is to seek Him. Through your work, your effort, and your manner of life He will take care of you with His unseen hand of provision.
For example, in my neighborhood there are thousands of trees. As such there are many squirrels. Sometimes those squirrels begin to cross the road just as a car approaches. The squirrel, upon sensing the car begins to change direction, heading back to the side of the road it came from. Then it will change its direction and once again try to cross the road. Then it will change direction again, and again and again. The driver of the car would gladly let the creature cross the road if they only knew which direction it would go, but it's a guessing game. Many squirrels have been hit by a car on the road simply because they could not make up their mind to go one way or another. They were of a doubtful mind.
Actually, the term “doubtful mind” is borrowed from a Hebrew nautical term meaning to put a ship out to sea, upon the deep. By metaphor it relates to the idea of a ship that is tossed upon the deep waves causing it to pitch to and fro. Anyone who has suffered with a doubtful mind knows that this is the exact description of the valley of decision. One day you are up, one day you’re down, one day you are going to do this, one day you are going to do that, one moment things are settled, the next moment things are disarrayed. What an unsettling and stressful position. The way out of the fear of shipwreck is always to seek Him, seek His kingdom. Remember He is the one who can say “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39) and even the wind and waves have to obey His command.
An edge for life as found in the Bible is this: put aside a doubtful mind and settle things once and for all. Eliminate the doubtful mind and instead live a settled mind kind of life.
William T. Howe, Ph.D.